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Thread: How do I utilize the Fill Bucket to fill in Only the areas I draw?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2022
    Mushroom Forest

    How do I utilize the Fill Bucket to fill in Only the areas I draw?

    When I try to use the Fill Bucket to fill in the area I draw, it covers entire canvas, which is Not what I want

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2020
    Aotearoa/New Zealand

    It’s hard to tell what’s going without seeing an example, and I am no expert on using the fill tool._

    I suggest you try experimenting with some simple shapes (say, a circle and a square) and put each on different layers. Use a thick line to draw them. Try toggling “Current layer only” and see what happens when you try to fill the shapes. It will fill just the enclosed shape or the lines.

    Have fun!


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Hello Makkhan and welcome to the forum. Others will know more than me as I rarely use the fill tool. However, I have just now drawn a few shapes and filled them without any problem. I should point out that I made sure my outline had no breaks in it for the colour to bleed thru. It probably would be a good idea to have each shape on its own layer.

    Oh God of homeless things, look down
    And try to ease the way
    Of all the little weary paws
    That walk the world

    [My setup: hp 15in laptop,11th Gen Intel Core i7-1165G7 @ 2.80GHz 2.70 GHz, 8.00 GB RAM, 24in Acer 2nd monitor, Huion Kamvas 20 Pro display tablet, Windows 11, ArtRage Vitae.
    My painting real-estate is extended across three monitors.]

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Rochester, New York
    If you are using Art Rage 6 or Vitae here goes.

    In the bottom left corner of Art Rage there is the Circular menu with all your painting tools. There is an area below the three rows of tools with your fill bucket icon, color picker, cloner, and selection icon.
    If you hover your mouse over one of these icons a description will come up. The one you want to select is the SELECTION icon a square shaped broken line looking icon, click on it to command the program for your use of this option. Next you need to open the Settings option, from there you have a row of six options; Rectangle, Ellipse, Polygon, Freehand, Magic Wand, and Paint Area. If you hover your mouse over any of these grey outline images the tool name will appear. Select the Freehand option, you could also add an option from the Presets such as Hard Freehand, or Soft Freehand for a different effect, hard being a solid covering of the area you select, soft being a more blurring out appearance of the perimeter of the area you are selecting. At this point start running your pen or mouse from point A (A being the starting point of the area you want to cover) to point B (B being a point that ends where A began after directing your mouse or pen to cover the area you want to fill with the bucket).
    After you have done this the area you selected should highlight with a flashing on and off circular looking movement. At this point you want to select the color you want to fill the highlighted area with from the color wheel. From there go back to your Circular paint tool menu and on the same row as the Selection Icon there is the Fill option, last choice in that row, a bucket looking icon. When you hover over that bucket icon and tap with pen or click with a mouse the color you just selected should fill into the area you directed the freehand tool to cover.
    Last edited by Stephen Lo Piano; 05-27-2022 at 03:06 PM.
    I have a personally designed artwork gallery website at:
    There is one section full of pages there under the Digital Artwork category that is devoted entirely to paintings I have created with Art Rage.

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