The pope did make a public announcement as I have him speaking in this cartoon caricature. He made the incident seem to be the fault of Charlie Hebdo for not having respect for whatever the terrorists believed that attacked the Hebdo office in Paris.
With respect to the deeper implications of what he said about having respect for other religious beliefs or you might get punched, not only what was done in Paris should be condemned and no means of toleration for that type of action, again satanism is also considered a religious belief and practice followed by worshipers. Seems to me the pope had a poor choice of words using the statement about having respect for people of other religious beliefs. I believe he should be more selective about the types of religious beliefs people should have respect for. In my opinion the people at Hebdo that survived this incident had enough pain and misery to suffer as a result of exercising their right to free speech without the pope pouring salt into their wounds with that statement. Under no circumstances should any type of defense that justifies that type of terrorist action be tolerated, no matter what the criminals believed in their cult religion insanity.

Seems to me the pope was deceived by satan with his statement. I do not believe he was expressing his thoughts from the perspective of universal interpretation and how other people might perceive this statement. He was tricked by satan just as Adam and Eve were deceived in the garden of Eden. As the expression says "The Road to Hell Is Paved With Good Intentions".

I wish some people here at Art Rage would work with me to complete this cartoon as a group project by adding some ideas, we might send the finished product to Hebdo.