hi cinematik,

sorry for a late reply, my week was a bit hectic here.

Quote Originally Posted by cinematik View Post
Oh, that explains a lot, thanks. But I noticed that's true if my tablet driver magic option `support TabletPC` enabled (it enabled by default). But if this option is off, the AR does not reproduce pressure sensitivity despite the stylus settings you specified.
there're some recommendations for windows users in regards to setting up pen tablets provided here; I can't comment on specific tabletpc/wintab settings, because they're proprietary windows technology and don't exist on mac.

Which pen do you use? It would be interesting if you post AR screenshot with your oil brush strokes with pressure-responsive option on.
I have a very old, discontinued intuos pro pen tablet (2048 levels of pen pressure + 60º tilt) with a basic plastic nib (I don't like how spring nib feels like because it's very sensitive on low pressure, and it's almost impossible to hit over 80 % true pressure with it)

I've attached what my strokes look like when I'm painting carefully, trying to get the full pressure range:

Name:  artrage-oil-pressure-1.jpeg
Views: 1046
Size:  359.2 KB

and how I paint with oil tool (I tend to lay paint heavily and scumble after):

Name:  artrage-oil-pressure-2.jpeg
Views: 1023
Size:  384.3 KB

one thing I've noticed, since I don't use rectangle brush regularly - I prefer the paint roller tool for flat brush stroke application - is that is does behave differently from a round/oval oil brush tool in terms of pressure. oil brush in artrage is developed exponentially (first there was a very basic oil brush as I remember it with artrage app that was bundled with one of my pen tablets; later a square brush option got introduced, and more other tweaks such as rotation and paint depth also became available)

I guess there's some disconnect between what you expect from this brush VS how it actually behaves, but for my purposes, as a way to provide quick and vivid underpainting with a textured oil paint look - it works very well.