Quote Originally Posted by sando View Post
nekomata. Unfortunately I can't migrate from my old MacBook as it is in many bits in the dustbin / trashcan. I did however borrow my wife's MacBook which is the same model as my old one that ran ver 5. However when I tried to download and install ver 5 from the members area I still got the same error message. The ver 5 download is definitely corrupted.

Just to clarify, All I am asking is for the ar team to replace the corrupted ver 5 in the members area with a working version. I have contacted support with this request.
I'm not sure if it is too obvious to suggest trying downloading it with a different web browser - the download might be fine as it is, but sometimes things happen, but in case you won't get a satisfactory response from support, last year artrage vitae had an easter sale between middle and the end of april, dropping price down to $40.

if they throw a similar sale this year (they typically do), that would be your cheapest opportunity to upgrade, and there will be a patch for AR vitae coming soon, providing compatibility with mac os sonoma and most recent apple hardware.