Quote Originally Posted by wb8979 View Post
It's been a bit, but I did fill out a detailed tech support request via the link above, explaining the issue and if there will be an update patch soon. I checked the update history of ARV last night in my App Store, and was shocked to see the last one was two years ago! �� That's a very long time to go without updates, especially for Mac users.

As a workaround, I'll have to get out my old iMac as it has an earlier Mac OS that ARV should be able to handle. If not that, then I'm in the process of recovering my download and key for ArtRage 6, which is what I used before moving to ARV.

It's a bit of work, but ArtRage is such an underappreciated drawing and painting app that I want to continue to support it and it has integrated well into my workflow. Hoping the dev team is busy working on a patch or the next major release as it would be very sad to see this app become abandoned.
hi, thanks for updating us on the coming patch. typically, unless it's something really difficult to figure out, OS patches arrive in a reasonable time span. there might be a simultaneous release for the next artrage version and the artrage vitae patch if the issue is really hard to nail down, but it is unlikely.

you are not seeing any artrage updates past 2022 because for the most part, it just works.

I don't think reverting to artrage 6 will make your experience better, but you will lose things like bigger brush size and performance optimizations that went into vitae, too. I would just wait until the update comes out, since you already have an older mac you can use for now.