All very interesting folks, very informative. I have been reading up on various blogs about colour profiles, digital art software etc. All very interesting. I actually found a blog that said RGB is superior to CYMK and that printers requiring CYMK often have older equipment or just stuck in "that's how it's done" new technologies change and improve. I can remember years ago (in the 80s) when I was illustrating for a writer, everything needed to be b&W and NO GREY! because of the cost and limits to printing back then.

Another thing I have come across is the digiart software reviews by artists and blogs, ArtRage and Rebelle are always given very good reviews. I do like the sound of Rebelle for the watercolour rendering it sounds very good. I favour watercolour and though it's very nice in art rage i find aspects a little frustrating, that may well be in part due to my lack of experience using this software, but I can't get the bleeds, sploshes and runs I love about watercolour. I wonder if any programmes match (or will match) the joy of granulation. I like to use masking fluid for effect as well, that would be a nice option to have rather than , or as well as the stencils (which are lots of fun).

Enjoying this learning curve though