You need the desktop version of ArtRage to play a script. Scripts are playback *steps*, so you record your entire painting and then play the script to repaint it. They're mainly useful for:

1) Exporting and recreating your painting without the actual painting file
2) Recording videos/screencaptures/progress steps after you actually finish the painting (so you paint the image, then play back the script and get all the bits you need. Most ArtRage painting videos online used a script to record from)
3) Starting a painting, then stopping the script and continuing from there.
4) If you have ArtRage 4 or 5 (not Lite), you can play a script back at *any* size. So it's a very good way to scale up a small iPad painting to a very large print size without losing quality.

They can also be used for teaching purposes, and the advantage over a video is that they are actually played back inside ArtRage, so users can open/close/study menus and options as it plays. Desktop users have a lot more control over scripts (starting and stopping, adding highlights and notes), the iPad app just records the painting from start to finish. More advanced users can also directly edit the script file or write their own script commands to change what happens, but that's fairly advanced.