
Type: Posts; User: BElemental

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  1. Thank you soo much! Not sure how i missed that...

    Thank you soo much! Not sure how i missed that drop down option lol. I must have been to excited over the changes from not updating for years.
  2. Old Artrage packs wont open in Vitae, Dont see application...ideas?

    Hello. I was just recently sent a link by Artrage staff to update my Version 4.5 to Vitae. I am loving the changes i am behind on, however i have followed the online instructions in this forum for...
  3. Thank you for that response. I understand and can...

    Thank you for that response. I understand and can be patient. Was just inquiring if it was something like that or if the upgrade coupon had an expiration. Thank you for your reply
  4. Artrage Support Form Never Works! I cant redeem upgrade coupon to get Ver 6. Help?

    Artrage website has no phone numbers or emails for support. The link for ''support form'' is non functional and the checkout company hasnt responded either. It glitches on applying a coupon to allow...
Results 1 to 4 of 4